Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Mr. Motor Home

His email read: "Sounds like we have a lot in common."   Well, it's a start....

His profile says he's retired (check) and traveling the land in his motor home (check!)   I could go for that!  He's cute, not too old and he fits my Dreamboat criteria.   

So, I eagerly respond to his email, "Yes we do have a lot in common.  (OK, not that clever) Tell me more about you....."    I gather more facts....home in Wisconsin, travels south in the winter.  My mind leaps to the vision...the two of us, traveling all over the continent in a nice motor home; camping in national parks, staying on the beach in Cabo, visiting friends and family from California to Maine, living a nomad life of fun, exploration and adventure. 

So, we meet on a lovely Sunday afternoon In a cute restaurant.  He's handsome and well dressed.....good sign.  We are seated at a cute little table on the patio, order drinks and settle in to evaluate the human chemistry and dreams, desires and details. 

"So, tell me all about your adventures in your motor home."  

"I started traveling a year ago in my old motor home.  It's not much, pretty old, but it's good enough for me.  I travel with a group of old geezers and we park in the desert outside of Yuma, Arizona in the winter.   A month ago, I left my buddies to come to the city and see if I can find a woman to travel with me." 

POOF!  My fantasy travel just bit the dust! 

"Wow!  You camp in the desert?" I say, trying hard not to sound horrified.  "Isn't it terribly dusty?"  I'm envisioning people with cracked lips and dust caked skin standing next to an old, dust covered truck, like the photos from the dust bowl.

"I guess that's not for you", he said with disappointment, "You are wincing as I speak."

Shuttering at the thought of a rundown, dust covered motor home blazing in the desert sun, I reply, "No, camping in the desert is not my idea of travel."  But, I wasn't ready to give up mearly because of site selection.  "Have you considered traveling to other locations, like the beach, or to cities, or national parks...staying in campgrounds?"  

And that's when he added deal breaker #2.  He was camping in the Elks Lodge parking lot.

We both knew our future together had a snowballs chance in the Arizona desert.

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